Upgrade Lequinox platform
Always back up your database before upgrading, and review the overall upgrade steps and preparations.
Upgrade to Lequinox platform 5.2.0
For more information on deployment scripts, go to the deployment scripts page.
Copy and extract the release package to the target machine.
Update the deployment profile that you backed up during your previous install:
Locate the deployment profile backup from your previous installation.
Copy the contents of your backed up deployment/profiles directory to the newly extracted deployment/profiles/ directory on the target machine for your 5.2.0 install.
For your version upgrade, apply any deployment profile changes to the files you just copied from your backup to the deployment/profiles directory.
Go to the extracted release folder.
Stop any running WildFly instance:
> python deployment/stop_jboss.py -p <profile>
Remove any previous deployed artifacts, .war- and .ear files, from the WildFly deployment directory <WILDFLY_HOME>/standalone/deployments/.
Generate a new configuration file (config.properties):
> python deployment/generate_configuration.py -p <profile> -d lequinox -f </path/to/config_directory>/config.properties
Run the pre-deploy upgrade script:
> python deployment/upgrade_pre_deploy_config_all.py -p <profile> -d lequinox
Start the WildFly server and wait until all services are started. (If changed since last upgrade: point out your configuration file "-Dconfig.path=<path/to/config_directory>"):
Configure WildFly (the script adds datasources, enables HTTPS etc.):
See jboss_config_all.py for limitations.
Deploy new artifacts from current release directory:
Run post deploy upgrade script:
Check the status of running services on "https://<FQDN>:<PORT>/status".
The upgrade of the Lequinox platform is complete.
Revisit the recommendations regarding backup and security, there might be new information since your first installation.
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