


  • Back up your database before upgrading.
  • Review any deployment profile changes before proceeding with the upgrade (see Upgrade to Lequinox platform 5.2.0, step 2). This should not be Does this need to be included in this warning, ? It is in the steps, which should suffice, verify with team. 

Table of Contents


1. Sign in to the Lequinox console. 
2. Click Internal in the top navigation bar, and select Role accounts.
3. Verify that no role accounts are assigned the administration level Role administrator.
4. If any accounts are, assign them another console administration level that suits their role in the organisation.

Rename internal roles

Also, in In Lequinox console 5.2.0, you will find system roles implemented under new names on a separate tab under your organisation settings. In relation to this, you must make sure that you do not have any internal non-system roles called ‘Platform manager’ or ‘Organisation manager’ when you perform an upgrade. If you do, make sure to change their names to something else before you upgrade.
