Versions Compared


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Release date: 2022-05-18

What's new in 5.




  • Important updates to system requirements:

    • Adding support for PostgreSQL 12. Also see Deprecated and removed below.

  • Changes to the platform REST API:

    • Additional functionality for platform-managed accounts and accesses.

    • Improvements to the REST API documentation to facilitate application implementation. 

  • Updates to the Lequinox console:

    • The dependency on Lequinox professional ID will be removed.

    • Users will sign up and sign in to the console via user name and passphrase.

    • Substantial improvements to the console user interface.

    • Bug fixes and performance optimisations.


This release will be compatible with these versions:

  • 5.1.0

Deprecated and removed 


Information for customers currently on version 5.1.0

No non-system roles called Platform manager or organisation manager 


  1. Instructions to rename roles

When you have upgraded, you will find system roles on a separate tab under your organisationIn 5.2.0, the recommended archive storage/profile quota limit on installation will be increased from 200 MB to 10 GB. If you have not set a value of your own, 10 GB will be the applied valid value, which might affect the need for available storage. If you have set a value of your own, that value stays valid. If so, make sure it still suits your environment after upgrading.