Setting up and editing applications is available to Organisation and Lequinox administrators.

The Lequinox console is the platform user interface. Other Lequinox enabled applications are to be developed or obtained by the platform owner to custom fit their needs. To benefit from the platform functionality, all applications must be Lequinox compatible and communicate via the platform REST API.

Depending on the application, there might be slightly different preconditions and installation processes.

Add a new application

To set up a new application you first need to create the server account, user agreement and user group that are to be associated with the application.


  1. Click Applications in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click Applications in the drop-down.
  3. Click New.
  4. Fill in the name of the application. This will be the name that will be displayed to the user.
  5. Fill in the URL of the application (for example name).

    The URL must be in the https format, the http protocol is not supported.

  6. Fill in preferred Integration API key. It is possible to get a new key by clicking Generate.
  7. Select the server account intended for the application.
  8. Select the user group or user groups intended for the application.
  9. Click Create.
Write down or save the Integration API key and the Application global id of the application. They will be needed during the next phase of the application activation. To find the required information, click on the newly created application in the list of applications. A page with application information opens.

Edit application information


  1. Click Applications in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click Applications in the drop-down.
  3. Click the application you want to edit or delete, the Edit application page opens.
  4. Make the intended changes and click Update
It is possible – but not recommended – to change the name, URL, integration API key, server account, user group and status of an application.

Delete application information


  1. Click Applications in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click Applications in the drop-down.
  3. Click the application for which you want to delete the information, the Edit application page opens.
  4. Click Delete, and then click Yes to confirm.

Disable or enable an application


  1. Click Applications in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click Applications in the drop-down
  3. Click the application you want to enable or disable, the Edit application page opens.
  4. Select Enabled or Disabled.
  5. Click Update.