An archive of all transactions made in the organisation is accessible via the Lequinox console for users with access. What transactions a user can see depends on their console administration level.

Each participant in a transaction process generates their own transaction event, hence the list can include several events related to one and the same transaction. However, this does not apply to an Organisation user, who can only see the event they have generated themselves in each transaction.

Archive levels

These are the levels accessed via the Archive dropdown menu in the top navigation bar.

My transactions

All users have access to all the organisation transactions they have participated in under My transactions.

Role transaction events 

All users have access to Role transaction events, relating to the role that their account is assigned to. 

Organisation transaction events

Users with the console administration levels Organisation and Platform administrator can view My transactions, Role transaction events along with Organisation transaction events, a list of all transaction events occurring in the organisation.

For more information on console administration levels, go to concepts.