Release date: 2022-05-18
Important updates to system requirements:
Dropped support for PostgreSQL 9.6 and added support for PostgreSQL 12.
Important changes to the Deployment profile.
The recommended archive storage/profile quota limit on installation is increased from 200 MB to 10 GB in 5.2.0.*
New StartTLS and other mail related configuration parameters added to support the user name/passphrase functionality.
Changes to the platform REST API:
Made it possible to specify the state in 'CDIServer - Create access', and thereby create platform-managed accesses without activating them immediately.
Added a new API for activating an invited platform-managed access
Added a new API for retrieving a user agreement that is to be accepted and signed when activating an invited platform-managed access.
Changed the 'agreementTemplateId' property for 'ExternalRole' to optional in the 'CDIServer - Create external role' and 'CDIServer - Update external role' APIs.
Improvements to the REST API documentation to facilitate application implementation.
Updates to the Lequinox console:
The dependency on Lequinox professional ID has been removed.
Users sign up and sign in to the console via user name and passphrase.
Each platform customer gets a unique SLA-related license number which can be presented in the console.
Naming of system administrator roles and console administration levels have been updated for enhanced clarity.
Substantial improvements to the console user interface.
The statistics service has been removed awaiting feature improvements.
Transaction content cannot be accessed via the Lequinox console. Event meta data is presented, but the actual content is to be handled by a Lequinox-enabled application via the platform API.
Bug fixes and performance optimisations.
Lequinox platform versions
In 5.2.0, the recommended archive storage/profile quota limit on installation is increased from 200 MB to 10 GB. If you have not set a value of your own, 10 GB will be the applied valid value, which might affect the need for available storage. If you have set a value of your own, that value stays valid. If so, make sure it still suits your environment.
Title | Description |
User name and passphrase functionality added | You now sign in to the Lequinox console via user name and passphrase. With this comes a much smoother on-boarding and user experience, and the ability to reset your passphrase. |
Dependency on Lequinox professional ID removed | With a focus on platform-managed role accounts, with accounts managed by the organisation platform, the dependency on Lequinox professional ID to sign in to the console and participate in transactions has been removed, and with that, the need for references. |
Organisation suffix added | A unique organisation suffix has been added and is included in each role account user name in the platform. |
Platform license numbers | Each platform customer is provided with a license number, which can be added in the Lequinox console for easy access in interactions with Support centre. |
System application items separated from added items | In the Lequinox console, system items like the Console service and the Archive service have been separated from Added services (Lequinox-enabled applications). This applies to Applications and the related items Server accounts and User groups. |
Names of first administrator roles updated | The names of the first system role created for platform and organisation administrators have been updated. Previous ‘Lequinox admin’ is now ‘Platform administrator’ and ‘Organisation admin’ is now ‘Organisation administrator’. |
Console administration levels updated | The console administration levels have been updated for a clear distinction between system role names and console administration levels. Previous ‘Lequinox admin’ is now ‘Platform manager’, ‘Organisation admin’ is ‘Organisation administrator’, and ‘Regular user’ is ‘Organisation user’. The level ‘Role admin’ has been removed. |
User agreements relocated in the Lequinox console | In the Lequinox console, user agreements are now found under the Applications dropdown menu, available for user group creation, and applied for the accesses in each user group. |
Statistics removed in the Lequinox console | Awaiting improvements and new features, the statistics service has been removed from the Lequinox console. |
General user interface improvements | The user interface has a more unified layout, and detailed information rarely used is placed in expandable sections for a cleaner experience. Content in toasters and popups have been improved for a more uniform experience. |
Access management enhanced in the platform API | When creating an access via the platform API, the state can be set to ‘invited’ in addition to ‘active’. The ‘invited’ state leaves it up to the application to activate the access before it can be used. The application can also retrieve and present a user agreement for the user to accept before their access is activated. |
Improvements to the REST API documentation | Various additions and amendments to the REST API documentation, including possible responses, to facilitate application implementation. |
Title | Description |
Deleting system applications | In the previous version, you could delete a system application. This is no longer possible. |
Warning when leaving New organisation page | When leaving the page for creating a new organisation, the user received no warning that changes would be lost. This issue has been fixed, and page behaviour is in line with other pages in the Lequinox console. |
Update button for accesses always active | The Update button was active even if no changes had been made. This has been fixed and the button is now dimmed and inactive until any changes have been made. |
Role name not visible in the external role accounts list | The Role column was empty in the External role accounts list. This issue has been fixed and assigned roles are presented in the list. |
Incorrect value for timelock services returned | The timestamp was never returned in the CDI REST API response for Open transaction and Get transaction status. This has now been fixed. |
Description | Type | Planned for |
You are not able to view transaction content via the Lequinox console. You can view transaction event meta data but for now, the actual content is to be handled by a Lequinox-enabled application via the Lequinox platform REST API. | Change | Future release |
Description | Type |
Dropped support for PostgreSQL 9.6 | System requirement |
Dropped support for Lequinox professional ID (Android) | Client dependency |
Release date: 2021-07-01
5.0.0 was an internal release, hence, this list includes changes introduced in 5.1.0 as well as 5.0.0.
Important updates to system requirements:
New Python version and additional Python modules required on the environments needed to set up and run Lequinox platform.
5.1.0 will only support the Android version of Lequinox professional ID.
Updates to the platform REST API, to follow a new role logic:
Functions for managing external users (individuals from organisations that are not in your organisation), under specific external user agreements.
Functions for managing transactions for an application, or organisation-managed users.
Functions for verifying a server account.
The multisign service is optional when the platform server account is the creator in a transaction.
Updates to the Lequinox console:
The possibility to manage external users.
A new look and feel with an improved user experience.
Removed the dependency on the personal identity in the PDI Issuer. Internal users no longer require personal identities, hence, collecting and sharing references for personal identities is no longer supported.
Performance optimisations.
There has been several API additions and some API changes for this release, please refer to our developer area for more information on new API functions and how to utilise them.
Lequinox platform versions
We strongly recommend a new 5.1.0 installation.*
To reuse an existing VM with an existing Lequinox platform version 4.x.x:
Create a VM snapshot (recommended).
Stop WildFly.
Delete the contents of the following directories in WildFly:
Delete the contents of the archive_service filestore directory.
Follow the instructions for a new 5.1.0 installation.
When you have performed a new installation, we will provide you with a new API key required for activating your new platform.
Title | Description |
Framework changed from AngularJs to Vue | Since AngularJS has been given an end-of-life date, a decision was taken to replace it with Vue. |
Improved URL handling for ProcessingPageController | The processId has been added to the errorUrl, and the CDI is now handling incoming return path and taking into account that there might already have been other query parameters added. |
Deprecated field 'accessId' removed from the SignInResult response object in the CDI API | The field 'accessId' in SignInResult, which is the response for the 'Retrieve sign in result' API at GET /pdi-client/user/sign-in/{processId}, has been deprecated and has been removed in the Lequinox platform version 5.0.0. |
Verify foreign server account | Via the REST API, it is possible to verify that a certain server account exists, is active and can be used. The server account can be located on the same Lequinox platform as the organisation that wants it verified, or on another Lequinox platform. |
Multisign optional for CDI Create transaction | Multisign is now optional for transactions created with the server account as the creator. |
Support for Python 3 added | As of 2020-01-01, Python 2 is no longer maintained. Therefore, changes have been made so that Lequinox platform deployment scripts must now be run towards Python 3. |
CRU-support for external personal identity in the Lequinox console and REST API | External personal identities can be created, read and updated in the Lequinox console. This functionality is also available via the REST API. |
CRUD-support for external user agreements in the Lequinox console and REST API | External user agreements can be created, read, updated and deleted in the Lequinox console. This functionality is also available via the REST API. |
CRU-support for external roles in the Lequinox console and REST API | External roles can be created, read and updated in the Lequinox console. This functionality is also available via the REST API. |
CRU-support for external role accounts in the Lequinox console and REST API | External role accounts can be created, read and updated in the Lequinox console. This functionality is also available via the REST API. |
Managed state for accesses shown in the Lequinox console | The Lequinox console now displays whether an access is managed by the user or the organisation. |
Title | Description |
Organisation with <, >, ', " in the name produces an error | Names to new organisations can include <, >, ', " without producing an error. |
License agreement is now set to default automatically | When creating a new organisation, the default license agreement created is also set to default automatically. |
Description | Type | Planned for |
The endpoint Send transaction should be removed from the CDI API. | Deprecation | Future release |
It is not possible to download transactions from your archive using the Safari browser. | Bug | Future release |
Support for deprecated query parameter 'access' in GET /server/user/access should be removed from the CDI API. | Deprecation | Future release |
Description | Type |
Support for Lequinox process engine and its module Web form application removed. | Application support |
Support for iOS removed. | Version support |