Type | Name | Description | Qualification | Schema |
Path | personalIdentityId | The ID of the external personal identity to get. | Required | string |
HTTP Code | Common response messages | Description | Schema |
200 | The external personal identity. | ||
400 | The application with the specified key could not be found | string | |
Company ID is not part of identity ID. | This error message is returned when the identity ID does not belong to the requesting company. | string | |
Invalid role ID format | This error message is returned if the parameter 'personalIdentityId' of the URI is not in the correct format. | string | |
Verification failed. The reason could be, for instance, that the server account does not exist or is not active. | No content | ||
500 | An unexpected error occurred: Type definition error [...] | This error message can be returned if one or more parameters are of the wrong type. See ExternalPersonalIdentity for details. | string |