Internal role accounts are intended for users in the owner's organisation.


Currently, it is not possible to create internal role accounts through the API. An administrator must sign in to the Lequinox console and create a role account there.

Functions available for internal role accounts:

Table of Contents

Retrieve internal role account


  1. Submit a request in accordance with the details in Get internal role account.
  2. The platform retrieves the organisation to which the requesting application belongs to.
  3. The platform retrieves the internal role account corresponding to the role account ID which is part of the URI schema.
  4. The The platform returns the Internal role account is returned.


Error messages *


HTTP status codeMessageComments
400The application with the specified key could not be found
400Invalid role ID format

This error message is returned when the role account ID on the path section of the URL is not in the correct format. This error is not related to a role and its ID, as is falsely claimed by the message.

400Role account not found!


The role account ID '%1' does not match the company ID '%2'.

%1 is the role account ID specified via the URL.
%2 is the company ID associated with the submitted application key.